Natal Chart Bracelet
These bracelets are a visual representation of someone’s natal or birth chart, the one used in all forms of astrology. This representation is a cool little reminder for each of us which parts of ourselves respond in what manner, as each planet has a sign, and thus a character or personality that comes out in us when we draw on the action or role which that planet represents.
These charming little pieces are a great add-on if you’ve gotten your chart read by me, and they’re available in the store, but you will have to share a little personal information with me so I can get it right!
Natal Bracelet 01
The entire bracelet in one picture
Starting side
Each planet is represented by a bead, and a number of beads representing the classical element in your natal chart and it’s corresponding effect on you is added. For example the Sun has the broadest effect on us, and for me, my Sun sign has the element of Water, so there are three beads showing that element. The Moon has almost as heavy an effect, so it has two element beads, in my case Fire.
Middle section
Each of the planets after the Moon in order of astronomical arrangement has only a single element bead, as their effects on us are subtle, but in this visual format, it’s more easily seen which parts of us overlap, as sharing an element makes it easy to switch between those planetary roles.
Ending section
This section, just like the middle, has only a single planet/element pair in each section, but unlike the the middle, the planets in this section are the ‘generational’ planets, those that don’t move very fast, and thus have an effect across an entire swathe of the population. This is the astrological descriptor for the difference between the Greatest Generation, the Baby Boomers, Millenials, and Gen Z.